Aft￿r ￿￿shing

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light goes out. Display field: •Remove laundry￿.

￿Open the loading door.

￿Turn the program selectorOffto.


•No fin￿l spin" pr￿s￿l￿￿t￿￿


￿Turn the program selectorDrto￿in.

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light flashes.

￿Press theSt￿rt/P￿us￿ button. The indicator light shines. Display field: •Draining water￿.

￿When the additional program has ended, open the door.

￿Turn the program selectorOffto.

•Chil￿ lo￿k: ON" pr￿s￿l￿￿t￿￿

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light is on (yellow).

Display field: •Remove laundry￿.

￿ Press and hold down Stthe￿rt/P￿us￿ button (5￿seconds) until •Pause￿ is displayed.

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light flashes (red).

￿ Open the loading door.

￿ Turn the program selectorOffto.

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light flashes.

￿If required, change the spin speed; see from￿Page￿￿8.

￿Press theSt￿rt/P￿us￿ button.

The program starts. The program progress is indicated in the display field.

The indicator light shines.


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Bosch Appliances WFR 2460, WFR 2450 manual Aftr shing