- Tea towels, hand towels and bed linen that have been used for up to one week.
- Net curtains (without nicotine staining) that have not been washed for up to ½ year.
￿ Remove curtain runners or tie them up in a￿net/bag.

Pr￿p￿ring, Sorting ￿n￿ Lo￿￿ing th￿ L￿un￿ry

Sorting th￿ l￿un￿ry

A￿￿or￿ing to ￿olour to ￿￿gr￿￿ of ￿irt


Items of clothing can be discolored. Never wash new multi/colored items together with other items.

Pr￿p￿ring th￿￿l￿un￿ry


Loose debris (e.g.￿coins, paper clips, needles, nails) can￿damage items of clothing as well as parts of the washing machine (e.g.￿drum).

White items may become grey. Always wash whit and colored items separately.

D￿gr￿￿s of ￿irt

￿ Empty all pockets of the clothing.

Slight ￿irt

No recognizable dirt or staining. Laundry may hav some body odor.

￿ Brush out any sand from pockets and cuffs. -

￿ Close zip/fasteners and button up bed covers.


Light summer clothing and sportswear that ha only been worn for a few hours.

T/shirts, shirts and blouses that have been worn for up to one day.

￿The following items must be washed inside a - net/pillow case:

Bed linen and guest towels that have been used for one day.

-Extremely delicate items, e.g.￿fine tights, net curtains.

-Small items, e.g.￿small socks or handkerchiefs.

Norm￿l ￿irt



Visible dirt



light staining recognizable

- T/shirts,


and blouses that are very swea

or have



several times.

-Underwired bras (the wire may come loose- Underwear that has been worn for one day.

during washing and cause damage).

￿ When washing trousers, knitwear and woven fabrics, e.g.￿shirts, T/shirts or sweatshirts, always turn these items inside out.


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Bosch Appliances WFR 2450, WFR 2460 manual Prpring, Sorting n Loing th Lunry, Sorting th lunry, Prpring thlunry, Dgrs of irt