1Use the supplied security tool to remove the four fixing screws (B) of dome ring (A).
2Align the supplied mounting template with the surface to be mounted to, make marks on the surface in the places where the screw holes and cable hole are to be located.
3Drill holes for the screws and cable hole in the surface 1inch (25mm) in diameter, for routing the cables. Alternatively the cables can pass through the side entry via the 1/2 inch NPT cable entry, ensure unit is appropriately sealed with any method used.
4Pass the power cable (E) and video cable (F) or UTP cable (*F) from the camera unit through the cable hole in the surface or out the side entry.
5Align the four screw holes in the camera unit (D) with
the screw holes on the mounting surface, and then secure the camera in place by fastening the four screws (C) through the camera unit into the surface.
6Carry out the settings and adjustments for the camera as covered in the next sections.
7Secure the dome ring (A) by tightening the screws (B) into the camera unit (D). Ensure the rubber ring between the lens and the dome cover is in place and forms a tight seal against the inside of the dome.