Place Your System
Decide on the location and position of the system before making any connections.
Soundbar Location
Place the soundbar on a table surface or shelf near the television, or
Keyhole mounts on the rear of the soundbar permit wall mounting.*
The TVee 10 soundbar can be
Install hardware* using the template as a guide and then remove the mounting template from the wall. Connect your audio and power cables prior to mounting the soundbar on the wall.
*Consult a person knowledgeable about your wall type to recommend suitable hardware for hanging the speaker. Usually it is best to leave soundbar off the wall until connections are made.
Connect your system
Next you need to get an input signal from your TV into the TVee soundbar. Select from two easy options.
Option 1 (preferred)
Optical digital cable. Note: The optical cable is a glass fiber; be careful to avoid kinking the cable.
Television | Soundbar connection panel |
Optical Digital Cable (13)