Leg Exercises
LYING (PRONE) LEG CURL — Knee flexion
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the hamstring muscle group (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus) on the back of the thigh as well as the back of the calf (gastrocnemius).
Pulley position: Narrow.
Starting position:
•Seated on the flat bench, attach the cuffs to the respective ankles.
•Turn and lie on your stomach with your head facing away from the Power Rods. The cables will cross. Keep your feet together and your hands flat on the floor helping to provide stability.
•Move forward to provide tension in the cables.
•Look toward the floor to keep your neck in good alignment and tighten your abdominals.
•Lift your knees very slightly (1/4 inch) off of the bench by pressing your hips into the bench and hold them completely still.
•Slowly bend your knees, moving your feet in an arc upward and then inward toward your buttocks.
•Then slowly allow your legs to straighten through the arc described, returning to the starting position without relaxing.
Key points:
•Keep your upper leg motionless during the entire exercise.
•Keep your abs tight and do not lift your hips or excessively arch your back.
STANDING HIP EXTENSION — Knee stabilized in flexion
Muscles worked: This exercise strengthens and develops the muscles of your buttocks area (gluteus maximus). Remember, there is no such thing as spot reduction. This exercise will not remove fat from this area, but it will strengthen and build these muscles.
Pulley position: Narrow.
Starting position:
•Remove the bench.
•Facing the Power Rods, stand on the platform to one side of the rail.
•Secure the cuff around the ankle (or foot) farthest from the rail. Keep this leg bent at approximately 90 degrees.
•You may stand erect or you may bend over 30 - 45 degrees from your hips (not your waist) and very slightly bend the knee of your support leg.
•Keep your spine in good posture, with your chest lifted, abs tight and maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.
•Initiate the movement by tightening your glutes. Extend your hip by moving your entire leg backward.
•Slowly move your leg as far as you can, without allowing ANY movement to occur at your waist or your knee.
•Then slowly return to the starting position.
Key points:
•Make sure all of your motion occurs at your hip, NOT your waist or lower back.
•Keep your abs tight throughout the entire exercise.
•Maintain exactly the same bend in the knee of your moving leg throughout the entire exercise.