Arm Exercises
SEATED BICEPS CURL - Flexion (in supination)
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the biceps muscles which are located on the front of your upper arms and are primarily responsible for bending your elbows.
Seated position:
•Sit facing the power rods, knees bent with one foot on the bench and one on the floor. •Grasp the handle and rest the back of your upper arm, not your elbow, on the elevated knee. •Maintain correct spinal alignment.
•Curl the forearm toward the upper arm, keeping your upper arm completely still. •Slowly return to the starting position without relaxing the biceps.
Key points:
•Do not rock the upper body while bending your elbow. •Keep wrist straight.
•Keep your chest lifted, trunk muscles tight and maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.
CONCENTRATION BICEPS CURL - Elbow Flexion (in supination)
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the biceps muscles which are located on the front of your upper arms and are primarily responsible for bending your elbows.
Starting position:
•Stand, one foot on the platform, one foot on the floor, and one side towards the power rods. •With the hand closest to the power rods, grasp the handle.
•Keepingyourbackstraight,bendatthehipsandknees,untilyourtrunkisparalleltothefloor.Placethe uninvolved hand on the thigh to help stabilize.
•Straighten your elbow and point your arm towards the floor.
•Curl handle away from the cable, then upward toward the shoulder while keeping the upper arm completely motionless and your elbow pointing directly toward the floor at all times.
•Slowly return to the starting position performing the same arc of motion.
Key points:
•Keep the elbow pointing toward the floor at all times. •Keep wrist straight.
•Bend at the hips, not at the waist.
•Keep your back straight, chest up and maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.