Routine Maintenance
Toner cartridge 5
The life of the original to ner cartridge that came with the printer may b e either a standard 1 or hig h yield 2 toner
cartridge, and depends on the mode l and country you bought the printer in.
1Standard toner cartr idges print approxi mately 1,500 A4 or Letter-size single- sided pages. Appro x. cartridge yield i s declared in accord ance with
ISO/IEC 19752. (Letter /A4)
2High yield toner cartridge s print approximatel y 2,600 A4 or Letter-siz e single-sided pages. A pprox. cartridge yiel d is declared in accordance with
ISO/IEC 19752. (Letter /A4)
• Th e amount of toner used varies according to what is printed on the page and the print density setti ng.
• If you change the print density setting for lighter or darker printing, the amount of toner used will change.
• Wait to unpack the toner cartridge until immediately before you put it into the printer.
Toner Low message 5
The Toner LED will turn on for 2 seconds and off for 3 secon ds and repeats this pattern.
If the LED shows this message, the printer has nearly run out of toner and will continue to print until it has
reached the end of its life. Buy a new tone r cartridge and have it ready before you get a Toner Life End
message. To replace the toner cartridge, see Replacing the toner cartridge on page 62.
The Toner LED will blink continuously if the toner cartr idge is nearly empty.