Printing problems 13
Print job is not printed 13
Make sure the status and configuration of the print server. Check following:
aMake sure that the printer is powered on, is on-line and ready to print.
bPrint the Printer Settings Page of the printer and check if the settings such as IP address settings are
correct for your network. The problem may be the result of a mismatched or duplicate IP address. Verify
that the IP address is correctly loaded into the print server, and make sure that no other nodes on the
network have this IP address.
cVerify that the print server is on your network as follows:
For Windows®
1Try pinging the print server from the host operating system command prompt with the command:
ping ipaddress
Where ipaddress is the print server IP address (note that in some instances it can take up to
two minutes for the print server to load its IP address after setting the IP address).
2If a successful response is received, then proceed to Windows® 2000/XP, Windows Vista™ and
Windows Server®2003 IPP troubleshooting. Otherwise, proceed to d.
For Macintosh®
1From the Go menu, select Applications.
2Open the Utilities folder.
3Double click the Terminal icon.
4Try pinging the print server from the Terminal window:
ping ipaddress
Where ipaddress is the print server IP address (note that in some instances it can take up to
two minutes for the print server to load its IP address after setting the IP address).
dIf you have tried a to c above and it does not work, then reset the print server back to the default factory
settings and try from the initial setup again. For information on how to reset to the default factory settings,
see Restoring the network settings to factory default on page 117.
Error during printing 13
If you try to print while other users are printing large amounts of data (e.g. many pages or pages with a large
amount of graphics at high resolution), the printer is unable to accept your print job until the ongoing printing
is finished. If the waiting time of your print job exceeds a certain limit, a time out situation occurs, which causes
the error message. In such situations, execute the print job again after the other jobs are completed.