Advanced options
Select the Paper Size and Copy Count.
Set the Print Quality, Scaling and TrueType Font setting.
You can change settings by selecting the setting in the Pri n ter Features list :
■Media Type
■Toner Save
■Sleep Time
■BR-Script Level
Toner Save
You can save running costs by tur ning on the Toner Save setting, which reduces the print density.
Sleep Time
When the printer does not receive data for a certain period of time (timeout), it enter s sleep mode. Sleep
mode acts as though the printer was turned off. The default timeout is 5 minutes. When Intelligent Sleep
Mode is selected, it is automatically adjusted to the most suitable time-out setting depending on the
frequency of your printer use. While the printer is in sleep mode, the LED is off, but the printer can still
receive data f rom the computer. Recei ving a print fi le or document automat ically wakes up the p rinter to
start printing. Pressing the GO button will also wake up the printer.
Sleep mode can be turned off . To turn slee p mode off, go to the Advanced t ab, selec t Device Options
and then select Sleep Time. Double click t he word Sleep Time in t he Sleep Time screen, this will allow
the Sleep Time Off function to appear, cli ck Sleep Time Off to stop the printer going into sleep mode.
The Sl eep Time Off functi on can be hi dden by doubl e cli cking t he wor d Sleep Ti me in the Sleep Time
screen again. We recommend that you keep Sl eep mode on to save power.
If you a re using Wi ndows NT® 4.0, Windows® 2000 or XP, you can access the Advanced Opti ons
tab by clicking Advanced... button in the Layout tab or the Paper / Quality tab.