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For information about the ￿￿!￿￿￿￿ key, see Using the scan key on page 14-15.

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Brother MFC4420C manual # 9=09

MFC4420C specifications

The Brother MFC-4420C is a versatile multi-function color inkjet printer designed to meet the printing, scanning, copying, and faxing needs of home offices and small businesses. This model is known for its reliable performance, user-friendly interface, and a range of features that enhance productivity.

One of the standout features of the MFC-4420C is its impressive print quality, delivering sharp text and vibrant color graphics. It has a maximum print resolution of 6000 x 1200 dpi, which ensures clarity for both documents and images. The printer employs Brother's innovative inkjet technology that combines quality and efficiency, making it ideal for producing professional documents and marketing materials.

The MFC-4420C offers various connectivity options, including USB 2.0 and PictBridge, allowing users to print directly from digital cameras and other devices without the need for a computer. This flexibility is complemented by its compatibility with various operating systems, ensuring that users can easily integrate it into their existing setups.

An important feature of this model is its built-in flatbed scanner, which provides a scanning resolution of up to 1200 x 2400 dpi. This capability allows users to create high-quality digital copies of documents and images. The scanner supports scanning to multiple formats, including PDF, JPEG, and TIFF, enhancing its usability for a variety of tasks.

The copying function is equally impressive, with the ability to produce color and monochrome copies quickly. The printer's automatic document feeder (ADF) can hold up to 50 sheets, enabling multiple-page copying and scanning without the need for manual intervention. This feature streamlines tasks and saves valuable time.

For those who require faxing capabilities, the MFC-4420C includes a 33.6 kbps modem with 200 speed dials and a 20-page capacity for sending and receiving faxes. This versatility makes it a well-rounded solution for any office environment.

In addition to its robust features, the Brother MFC-4420C is designed with user convenience in mind. The intuitive control panel and display facilitate easy navigation through different functions, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.

Overall, the Brother MFC-4420C stands out as a reliable and efficient multi-function device that caters to diverse office needs. Its combination of print quality, scanning capabilities, and user-friendly design makes it a valuable asset for any small business or home office.