Creative Multi Speaker Surround (CMSS)
CMSS is a 2 to 5.1 channel sound processor similar in some aspects to a Dolby Surround with Pro Logic processor.
CMSS Music mode creates a convincing 5.1 channel surround soundfield with typical stereo sources, whether they are Dolby
In a similar manner, CMSS Movie mode provides the sonic impression of being front and center at a movie screening. Dialog and all normally
centered sounds from a stereo program are heard through the center speaker. Use this mode whenever a music program has sounds you want to blend with on- screen action or dialog.
Unlike Pro Logic decoding, CMSS Music and Movie modes are appropriate for use with
.AVI, .MIDI and other audio software files. Dolby decoding cannot decode WAVE formatted sources.
Audio Mode Selection
The stereo soundtracks of some movies on the Video CD (VCD format) contain different languages. For example, a two channel soundtrack may contain Mandarin on the right channel and English on the left channel. The VCD program literature should indicate the presence of dual- language soundtracks. Similarly, some movies in the DVD format will contain
If there is no indication of which channel is which and you hear two different language soundtracks during stereo playback, select the “LL” and “RR” settings until you find the language soundtrack you want.
The Audio Mode selection feature can only be used with the PCM digital soundtrack of a Video CD or DVD with a stereo soundtrack, not a DVD encoded with Dolby Digital 5.1 sound or Dolby