Oilless Compressors

FP2048, FP2049

Operation (Continued)

If the compressor is left in the ON position and air is depleted from the


Moisture in compressed air will form into droplets as it comes from an air

Guía de diagnóstico de averías


Posible(s) Causa(s)

Acción a tomar




tank by use of a tire chuck, tool, etc., the compressor will restart automatically at its preset “cut-in” pressure. When a tool is being used continuously, the compressor will cycle on and off automatically.

In the OFF position, the pressure switch cannot function and the compressor will not operate. Make sure switch is in OFF position when connecting or

compressor pump. When humidity is high or when a compressor is in continuous use for an extended period of time, this moisture will collect in the tank. When using a paint spray or sandblast gun, this water will be carried from the tank through the hose, and out of the gun as droplets mixed with the spray material.

IMPORTANT: This condensation will cause water spots in a paint job, especially when spraying other than water based paints. If sandblasting, it will cause the sand to cake and clog the gun, rendering it ineffective. A filter in the air line (MP3105), located as near to the gun as possible, will help eliminate this moisture.

El compresor no

1. El interruptor está en la posición OFF




2. No hay corriente eléctrica en el


tomacorriente de la pared


3. El compresor alcanzó la presión de


corte automático


4. Motor recalentado


Asegúrese de que el compresor esté enchufado y que


el interruptor esté en la posición ON (encendido)


Revise el disyuntor o fusible en el panel de




Libere aire del tanque hasta que el compresor se


reinicie automáticamente.


Deje que el compresor se enfríe durante


aproximadamente 30 minutos para que el interruptor


térmico de sobrecarga vuelva a su posición normal.


Asegúrese de que el compresor esté funcionando en

disconnecting power cord from electrical outlet.

3.Clean dust and dirt from tank, air lines and pump cover while compressor is still OFF.

6. Interruptor de presión defectuoso

un área limpia y bien ventilada donde la temperatura

no exceda los 100ºF.

6. Cambie el interruptor de presión



Do not remove or

attempt to adjust

the safety valve!

Figure 3

Check the safety valve by performing the following steps:

1. Plug the compressor in and run until

shut off pressure is reached (see

Operating Procedure).

2. Wearing safety glasses, pull the ring

on the safety valve to release

pressure from compressor tank. Use

your other hand to deflect fast-

moving air from being directed

toward your face.

Figure 4



Disconnect power source then release all pressure from the system before

attempting to install,

service, relocate or perform any maintenance.

Check compressor often for any visible problems and follow maintenance procedures each time compressor is used.

Safety valve must

be replaced if it

cannot be actuated or it leaks air after ring is released.


This is an oilless type compressor requiring no lubrication.


This compressor is ! CAUTION equipped with an

automatic reset thermal overload protector which will shut off motor if it becomes overheated.

If thermal overload protector shuts motor OFF frequently, make sure that the compressor is used in a clean, well- ventilated area where temperature will not exceed 100° F.

If the thermal

! CAUTION overload protector

is actuated, the motor must be allowed

to cool down before start-up is possible.

The motor will automatically restart

without warning if left plugged into


El protector térmico de

1. Falta de ventilación adecuada/


Mueva el compresor a un área limpia y bien ventilada



sobrecarga detiene el

temperatura ambiente demasiado



donde la temperatura no exceda los 100ºF.












2. Fallaron las válvulas del compresor


Cambie el ensamblaje de la bomba










Golpeteos, zumbidos,

1. El tanque no está nivelado


Nivele el tanque




vibración excesiva.

2. Cojinete defectuoso en la excéntrica o


Cambie el ensamblaje de la bomba




en el eje del motor








3. El aro del cilindro o pistón está


Cambie el ensamblaje de la bomba




desgastado o marcado













La presión del tanque

1. Válvula de drenaje floja


Apriete la válvula de drenaje



disminuye cuando se

2. Fugas en la válvula de retención


Cambie la válvula de retención



apaga el compresor

3. Conexiones flojas (accesorios, tubería,


Revise todas las conexiones con una solución de agua







y jabón. Si se detecta una fuga, apriete. O quite la







conexión y aplique cinta para tuberías a las rocas y







vuelva a armar.









No desarme la válvula














de retención. Si hay









aire en el tanque, primero purgue el tanque.

3. The safety valve should

automatically close at approximately

40-50 PSI. If the safety valve does not

allow air to be released when you

pull on the ring, or if it does not

close automatically, it MUST be



1. This knob controls air pressure to an

air operated tool or tire chuck.

2. Turn knob clockwise to increase air

1.Turn compressor off and release pressure from system. (To release pressure from system, pull ring on ASME safety valve. Deflect escaping air by shielding valve with one hand as you pull ring with other hand.) Pull ring until tank is empty.

A large amount of

! CAUTION fast moving air will be released when the safety valve is opened with pressure in the tank. Wear ANSI approved Z87.1 safety glasses.

electrical outlet and unit is turned on.


1.Drain tank of moisture.

2.When not in use, store compressor in a cool dry place.

3.Disconnect hose and hang open ends down to allow any moisture to drain.

El compresor funciona en forma continua y la salida de aire es más baja que la presión de descarga normal/baja.

1.Uso excesivo de aire, el compresor es demasiado pequeño

2.Conexiones flojas (accesorios, tubería, etc.)

3.Válvulas de entrada averiadas

4.Aro del pistón desgastado

1.Disminuya el uso o compre una unidad que ofrezca una entrega de aire mayor (SCFM)

2.Revise todas las conexiones con una solución de agua y jabón. Si se detecta una fuga, apriete. O quite la conexión y aplique cinta para tuberías a las rocas y vuelva a armar.

3.Cambie el ensamblaje de la bomba

4.Cambie el ensamblaje del pistón


3. To lower air pressure turn knob


4. Turn fully counterclockwise to shut

off flow of air completely.

2.Drain moisture from tank by opening drain valve underneath tank. Tilt tank to remove all moisture.



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Image 4
Campbell Hausfeld Maintenance, Oilless Compressors FP2048, FP2049 Operation, Guía de diagnóstico de averías