Chapter 7
7-2212) MEDIASIZE1 ROLL: Counters related to roll media printing
13) MEDIASIZE2 ROLL: Counters related to roll media printing
Display Description Unit
P-SQ 36-44 Cumulative print area of paper equal to or larg er th an 3 6 inches but less than
44 inches (physical size)
P-SQ 24-36 Cumulative print area of paper equal to or larg er th an 2 4 inches but less than
36 inches (physical size)
P-SQ 17-24 Cumulative print area of paper equal to or larg er th an 1 7 inches but less than
24 inches (physical size)
P-SQ -17 Cumulative print area of paper less than 17 inches (physical size) m2/Sq.f
P-CNT 36-44 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper equal to or larger than
36 inches but less than 44 inches (physical size)
P-CNT 24-36 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper equal to or larger than
24 inches but less than 36 inches (physical size)
P-CNT 17-24 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper equal to or larger than
17 inches but less than 24 inches (physical size)
P-CNT -17 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper less than 17 inches
(physical size)
Display Description Unit
D-SQ 36-44 Cumulative print area of paper equal to or larger than 36 inches but less than
44 inches (data size)
D-SQ 24-36 Cumulative print area of paper equal to or larger than 24 inches but less than
36 inches (data size)
D-SQ 17-24 Cumulative print area of paper equal to or larger than 17 inches but less than
24 inches (data size)
D-SQ -17 Cumulative print area of paper less than 17 inches (data size) m2/Sq.f
D-CNT 36-44 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper equal to or larger than 36
inches but less than 44 inches (data size)
D-CNT 24-36 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper equal to or larger than 24
inches but less than 36 inches (data size)
D-CNT 17-24 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper equal to or larger than 17
inches but less than 24 inches (data size)
D-CNT -17 Cumulative number of sheets of A4-equivalent paper less than 17 inches (data