


Probable Cause


Pa g e

Soon after thc power is turned

If t h e power is tur n ed on a n d the ST - E2 i s no t

Either press the shutter button halfway or press


on, the indicator lamp turns on'

used for 9 0 scc., the power turns off automatically.

the < PILOT > button.



Although t h e 5 icon i s lit in

Th e 5 ]con in t h e v ~ e w f i n d edoesr not indicate

When the slave is ready to fire, ~ t sA12-assist beam


t h e viewfinder, t h e slave does

flash ready. Rather. it indicates tha t the ST-E2 is

emltter blinks

not fire.


able to tra n sm~t .




T h e f la s h p i c t u r e

c n m c o u t

The flash ratio control lamp was lit even thouph a

Turn off the flash ratio control lamp bcforc takinp

2 9



multi-flash system with flash ratio settings was

the picturr~.



not used.






'The subject is beyond the effective flash range.

Place the slave nearer to the suhect or use 3 larg-





c r aperture (smaller f-number).






T h e s l a v e d ~ ~ nclts

f ir e evcn

'I'hc s l ~ i v r ' schannel does not lnatcli the ST - E2's

Set thr slavc to thesamechannel as thr ST-E2.


when the sl~ utt< .i,~ .~rrlra.;ed.

oh;~nnrl .







T l ~ sl;~veris tor^ far away from thc ST-E2.

osition t h e slavc nearer to the ST-E2 :ind tcst






the transmission befirrc taking the picture.





'Thu sl;~vcis r ~ r ,t l ~ sider or hack of thr c:lmr,r;l.

Use On'-(:amera Shoe Cord 2 (solrl separatrlyl and





point the ST-E2's trtlnsmitter toward the slave.








'l'hc Speedlite's slave sr,nsar I S not pmperly point-

Use thc RSOEX's bounce feature trl point its sI;~vc




c.d 3t L ~ STC -E2.

sensor townrd the ST-EZ.





'l'hc Ilr~shratio h:lu Ihcrr~srt , hut thc slave ID has

Set thc slave 11) to A or B.





hrrn set to C.







T h e ST - EP do e s not enlit th<.

1'Iic, r;~rner;lis not ; I I ~KOS-3.

If thc EOS camcra has a built-in AF-assist beam.


XF-assist beam.



the camera will rmit the beam instead of t he ST-







Th e slave's flash - rcady indica.

The, sla\.e is in the SE mode.

Press the ST-E2's < PILOT > button to cancel the


tor ( b l i nking AF -a s s i st beam I


slave's S E mode.

turns off.






The test transmission does not

You prcssrd the shu t ter button halfway and this

Make sure the metering display in the viewfinder




activ;~tedthe exposure meter

is off Then test the transmission.




The flash ratlo cannot be set.

T h r camera is not an EOS-3.

The flash ratio cannot he set with cameras other





than the EOS-3.





The ST-E2's main switch is set to <HOLD>.

Set the main switch to < I 1.












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Image 16
Canon 2478A002 manual Troubleshooting