List of Log Messages
A330 Video input error [err]
A350 Camera control system [err]
A450 Camera initialization failed [crit]
A460 Stopping of pan/tilt subsystem function [crit]
Application (uploader) messagesA004 Starting and stopping of uploader [info]
Description video input timeout - resetting (A330)
Meaning The video input has been reset because video input stopped.
If the error occurs repeatedly, the camera is damaged. Contact our
Customer Service Center.
Description camera status timeout - resetting (A350)
Meaning The camera control system has been reset due to a communication
timeout with the camera.
If the error occurs repeatedly, the camera is damaged. Contact our
Customer Service Center.
Description camera initialization failed - <Error code> (A450)
Meaning The camera control function has stopped because the camera control
system could not be initialized.
If the error persists after rebooting the camera, the camera is damaged.
Contact our Customer Service Center.
Description <Pan/tilt> stopped - c=< Error code> (A460)
Meaning An error occurred during pan/tilt control, so the control function was
If the error persists after rebooting the camera, the camera is damaged.
Contact our Customer Service Center.
Remarks To reset the error, send http://[IP address]/-wvhttp-01-/platformreset (if the
camera is not damaged.)
Description %1 uploader (A004)
%1 Starting or stopping.
Meaning The uploader was started or stopped.