Scanning with CapturePerfect

Scanning with CapturePerfect


This section describes procedures from launching CapturePerfect to selecting a scanner, as well as procedures for scanning with the [Scan batch to file] function.

See the “CapturePerfect Operating Guide” or help for details.

1 From the Windows task bar, click [Start] and then select [All Programs].

Then click [CapturePerfect 3.1] followed by [CapturePerfect 3.1].

2 Click [Select Scanner] in the [Scan] menu.


Select [Canon DR-M140] and click [OK].


If [Canon DR-M140] does not appear, reinstall the scanner driver. (See p. 7)

Set the default paper size and click [OK].


The [Configure Device Settings] dialog box appears when selecting [Canon DR-M140] and clicking [OK] for the first time in the [Select Scanner] dialog box, and when [Settings] is clicked in the [Select Scanner] dialog box.

These settings will apply when [Default] is clicked in the ISIS driver dialog box.

For the TWAIN driver, the default size will be set to A4 and this cannot be modified.

5 Click [Scanner Setting] in the [Scan] menu.