Using GPS Function Places With Poor GPS Coverage

Location information may not be recorded, or inaccurate information may be recorded where GPS signal coverage is poor, such as in the following places.

zIndoors zunderground znear buildings or in valleys zin tunnels or forests znear high-voltage power lines or mobile phones operating on the 1.5 GHz band zinside a bag or suitcase zunderwater (when the camera is used in an optional waterproof case (p. 198)) zwhen traveling across great distances zwhen traveling through different environments

GPS satellite movement may interfere with recording of location information, or the recorded position may differ from the actual position even in situations other than those mentioned above.

GPS signal reception may take longer after battery replacement, or when you have not used GPS functions for some time.

Activating GPS FunctionsConfigure the setting.

zPress the mbutton, choose in the menu, and choose .

zTo restore the original setting, repeat this process but choose .

Check the reception status.

z Use the camera outside, where there is an unobstructed view of the sky. (GPS functions will not work correctly indoors or in other areas away from GPS coverage (see above).)

zCheck GPS reception status as shown on the screen.

You can also activate GPS by pressing the n button, choosing [GPS Settings] on the 3 tab, pressing the m button, and setting [GPS] to [On].