Adding a Date Stamp

 Still Images  Movies

The camera can add the shooting date to images, in the lower-right corner. However, note that date stamps cannot be edited or removed, so confirm beforehand that the date and time are correct (=17).

1 Configure the setting.

●●Press the [] button, choose [Date Stamp ] on the [] tab, and then choose the desired option (=25).

●●Once the setting is complete, [] is displayed.

2 Shoot.

●●As you take shots, the camera adds the shooting date or time to the lower-right corner of images.

●●To restore the original setting, choose [Off] in step 1.

●● Date stamps cannot be edited or removed.

●● Shots taken without adding a date stamp can be printed with one as follows.

However, adding a date stamp this way to images that already have one may cause it to be printed twice.

--Print using printer functions (=92)

--Use camera DPOF print settings (=95) to print

--Use the software downloaded from the Canon website (=89) to print

Continuous Shooting

 Still Images  Movies

Hold the shutter button all the way down to shoot continuously.

For details on the continuous shooting speed, see “Continuous Shooting Speed” (= 116).

1 Configure the setting.

●●Press the [ ] button, choose [

] in the

menu, and then choose [ ] (=24).

●●Once the setting is complete, [

] is



2 Shoot.

●●Hold the shutter button all the way down to shoot continuously.

Before Use

Basic Guide

Advanced Guide

1 Camera Basics

2 Auto Mode

3 Other Shooting Modes

4 P Mode

5 Playback Mode

6 Setting Menu

7 Accessories

8 Appendix
