What This Machine Can Do
Introduction to Sending and Fax Functions
What This Machine Can Do

All the elements you will ever need in a color digital

multitasking machine.

Diverse Sending Methods

You can easily scan paper documents and
send them to one or multiple recipients via
fax, e-mail, or I-fax, bringing to your work
environment increased efficiency in the
arena of document exchange. The ability to
send documents to FTP, SMB, NetWare,
and WebDAV file servers also serves to
help digitize paper documents for
convenient data access and management.
Sending documents via fax is available only if
the optional Super G3 FAX Board or Super G3
Multi-Line Fax Board is installed.
The Color imageRUNNER C3380/C3380i/C2880/C2880i is
packed with various send functions.
Equipped with features that meet the needs of document work in
a digitized office, the Color imageRUNNER C3380/C3380i/
C2880/C2880i represents the ultimate in digital multitasking
File Server