Error Messages
# 878
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that the server encountered
an unexpected condition that prevented it from executing the request when
sending with WebDAV (received HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error).
Remedy Check the settings of the WebDAV server.
# 879
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that the server does not
support the necessary functions to execute the request when sending with
WebDAV (received HTTP Error 501: Not Implemented).
Remedy 1 Check the settings of the WebDAV server.
Remedy 2 If you are sending via a proxy server without using SSL communication, set Use
Chunked Encoding with WebDAV Sending in TX Settings under <Common
Settings> in Communications Settings (from the Additional Functions screen) to
'Off'. (See "Dividing Data Into Chunks When Sending With WebDAV," on
p. 9-31.)
# 880
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that the proxy server failed to
communicate with the server above it when sending with WebDAV (received
HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway).
Remedy 1 Check the settings of the WebDAV server.
Remedy 2 Check the settings of the proxy server.
# 881
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that the server could not
handle the current request when sending with WebDAV (received HTTP Error
503: Service Unavailable).
Remedy Check the settings of the WebDAV server.