Af DM-100 Directional StereoMicrophone

This highly sensitive, super-directional microphone attaches to the camcorder’s mini advanced shoe. It can be used as directional microphone (monaural) or stereo microphone.

gA VL-5 Video Light

This video light enables you to record brightly in color even in dark places. It attaches to the camcorder’s mini advanced shoe for cable-free operation.

hA VFL-2 Video Flash Light

This video flash light allows you to record photos and movies even at night or in dark places. It attaches to the cam- corder’s mini advanced shoe for cable- free operation.

The VFL-2 cannot be used as a flash with this camcorder.jA RA-V1 Remote Control Adapter

Attaching this adapter to the mini advanced shoe allows you to use the optional ZR-2000 or ZR-1000 Zoom Remote Controller, which is useful when operating the camcorder while it is mounted on a tripod.

fS WP-V3 Waterproof Case

This case allows you to record movies and take photos underwater without getting the camcorder wet.

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