
Wi-Fi Functions

This chapter contains information about how to operate the Wi-Fi functions of your camcorder, starting with the Wi-Fi network setup needed to add your camcorder to an existing Wi-Fi network.

Introduction to Wi-Fi

The camcorder's Wi-Fi functions allow you to send files wirelessly, which means that you will not need to fuss with cables. You can wire- lessly connect the camcorder to a Wi-Fi network (wireless LAN) using an access point (commonly referred to as infrastructure mode) or directly to an iOS device* without using a wireless access point (com- monly referred to as ad hoc mode). The steps you will perform will depend on how you plan to use your recordings. Refer to Glossary (A165) for a definition of the frequently used terms in this text.

* "iOS device" is used in this text to collectively refer to Wi-Fi-enabled iOS devices.

Wi-Fi connection

Infrastructure mode



Connect the camcorder to an access point on a Wi-Fi network (A149). Use this connection if you plan to save your recordings on a computer or FTP server (A154) and then upload videos to YouTube and Facebook (A158).

Access point


Wi-Fi Functions Š 147