The camcorder will not record the full 3 seconds prior to pressing Yif the button was pressed within 3 seconds of having turned on pre-recording or having finished the previous recording.

Any of the following actions will deactivate the pre-recording function.-Leaving the camcorder without any operation for 5 minutes.-Changing the operating mode.-Pressing V.-Opening the decoration screen.-Closing the LCD panel to set the camcorder to standby mode.

-Touching any of the following control buttons in the [Main Functions] panel: [Rec. Programs], [White Balance], [Faders], [Decoration] or [Review Recording].

-Opening the [Other Settings] menus.Face Detection

The camcorder automatically detects people’s faces and uses this information to select the optimal settings for beautiful videos and pho- tos.

Operating modes:


* Face detection is always activated in mode.


Select a recording program other than [üSCN: Night Scene],[ŒSCN: Low Light] or [ŠSCN: Fireworks].

By default, face detection is activated. If the function was turned off, perform the following procedure to turn it on.

1 Press .

2 Activate face detection.[ Other Settings] >p>[Face Detection & Tracking] >[iOn }] >[X]

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