Detailed Settings

Set Up the Image, Audio and HTTP Servers (Server)

Audio Server

1Audio Transmission from the Camera
Specify “Enable” for transmitting audio from a microphone connecting to the camera to
VB-C60 viewer.
2Input Volume
Set the volume on the microphone between 1 and 100. The higher the value, the louder the
microphone’s output volume.
3Voice Activity Detection
Specify “Enable”, so that the data size for audio transmission is temporarily reduced while the
server is not detecting any audio input. It enables to reduce network load.
4Audio Reception from Viewer
Specify “Enable” for outputting audio from optional VK viewers or bundled VK-Lite viewer
through speakers connected with the camera.
5Output Volume
Set the volume on the speakers, between 1 and 100. The higher the value, the louder the
speaker’s volume.
6Echo Canceller
Specify “Enable” for removing echo caused in the microphone and speakers.
7Audio Input
Select the microphone input mode from “Line In”, “Microphone In (dynamic microphone)” and
“Microphone In (condenser microphone)”.
Audio Transmission
Input Volume
Voice Activity Detection
Echo Canceller
Audio Reception
Output Volume