Message | Description | Required Action |
The image could not be sent | The calculator screen image | Follow the steps that are |
from the calculator. | cannot be sent for some | shown on the display and try |
(1) Try pressing a key on the | reason. | again. |
calculator. |
| See “10. Using Screen |
(2) Check to make sure that |
| Receiver to Display the |
the calculator is in the OHP |
| Calculator Screen Image on |
Mode. |
| Your Computer” for details. |
If the screen is not sent after |
you perform the above steps, |
disconnect the USB cable and |
check the calculator setup. |
Next, reconnect and try again. |
For details, select the following |
on the menu bar: Help - |
Manual - Manager PLUS, or |
refer to the Manager PLUS |
user’s guide. |
The connection has been |
| Follow the steps that are |
broken for some reason and is |
| shown on the display and try |
being restored. |
| again. |
If data communication does |
not resume after some time, |
perform the operation |
described below. |
Try pressing a key on the |
calculator. If the screen is not | — |
sent after you perform the |
| |
above steps, disconnect the |
USB cable and check the |
calculator setup. Next, |
reconnect and try again. |
For details, select the following |
on the menu bar: |
Help - Manual - Manager |
PLUS, or refer to the Manager |
PLUS user’s guide. |