7.11 Log File
The FLCE will create a log file to record communication logs.
Log File Name
The current log file name is fixed to "FLCE.LOG".
This specification cannot be modified. Therefore, if the current log file needs to be stored, use another file name.
Location of Log File
A log file is created under the "\Windows\" directory.
Method of Creation
Even if a log file already exists, a new log file is created (i.e. overwrites the old one).
Append to the existing log file is not attempted.
If a new file cannot be created, log file creation is aborted.
If an argument of command parameter includes error, a log file will not be created.
A log file starts to be created at the point in time when communication with the partner begins.
1st line |
| Version information of FLCE.EXE will be outputted. |
2nd line | Version information (1 byte) of the protocol will be outputted. The first version is "1". | |
3rd line | Communication partner machine code (maximum 3 bytes) will be outputted. | |
| AT .... |
4th line |
| Session ID information will be outputted. |
| This will be outputted in a hexadecimal number (Example: 0x0000). |
5th line |
| Last event information will be outputted. |
6th line |
| Last phase information will be outputted. |
7th line |
| Last status information will be outputted. |
| Outputted as a hexadecimal number (Example: 0x0000). |
8th line |
| Last transmission file name will be outputted. |
9th line |
| Last reception file name will be outputted. Output will consist of the above eight lines |
Output | will consist of the above nine lines. |
Since with lines 2 through 4 the information acquired from the communication partner is outputted, this line will be outputted as a blank line for a log file on one of the
emulation mode for communication between two
One line must be less than 80 bytes in length. Therefore, if a file name inserted in the 8th or 9th line requires 65 bytes or more (15 bytes are used for the item name), characters on and after the 65th byte will not be outputted.