4.2 Use of SIPanel Library

Program for starting up the library

Before use of the SIPanel library, a dedicated program must be created to start up the library. The ￿following is the method to call.

Create a dedicated program to call the library, separate from application program for business use. This dedicated program must be programmed so that the SIPanel library is called when a message is released by the application program to the dedicated program. It should be stored in the root directory of “My

￿Handheld PC”.

Avoid having the application program to call directly the SIPanel library. Instead, always use such the method that a message released by the application program can make the dedicated program start up the


A sample program for the dedicated program mentioned above is on page xxx. You may refer to it to create your own dedicated program of calling the library.


After a dedicated program is created, the registry of the SIPanel must be rewritten to the following values. The values can be changed with “RegSetValueEx” function of Win32API.

Key name : LocalMachine\Software\Apps\SIPManager

SIPExeName = sipanel.exe -> SIPExeName = a name of the dedicated program

By having the registry values to be re-written, a user created program to start up the SIPanel can be also possible when the SIP button at upper-left corner of the PA-2400W is pushed. Or, if you wish to disable the startup, delete the values of Key name above.

Once user’s own SIPanel startup program is created, the registry must be re-written (or the registry must be deleted). Otherwise, it may crash to the original SIPanel startup program of the built-in ROM when the SIP button is pushed.

4.3 Restrictions

The SIPanel function is subject to the following restrictions.

The SIPanel screen may be hidden behind a display that is associated with an application, such as

￿PowerPoint, if one is used.

If the SIPanel library is called directly by application software, you may not be able to input characters into an object input area. Always follow the method described in Chapter 4.2 “Use of SIPanel Library” when it is called.


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Casio PA-2400W manual Use of SIPanel Library, Restrictions, Program for starting up the library, Registry, Handheld PC