Use this key to register a cash tender.
BYes key `Use this key to consent the selection and proceeding steps.
CFunction list key ´Use this key to show the programmed function key list. Use this key to register the function key which is not located on the keyboard but assigned in the memory.
DNo key _Use this key to cancel the selection and proceeding steps.
ENumber of customer key [Use this key to register the number of customers.
FSeparate check key ≤Use this key in a check tracking system to separate selected items from one check to another check.
If this key is registered, a
Use this key to show the programmed finalization key list. Use this key to register the finalization key which is not located on the keyboard but assigned in the memory.
HPost receipt key ;Use this key to produce a
Use this key to turn the window forwards.
Use this key to return the cursor to the home position.
KPage down key wUse this key to turn the window backwards.
LMenu shift key ãUse this key to shift
Use this key to transfer the contents of a check to another check.
NNew balance key SUse this key to add the current registered total amount to the previous balance to obtain a new balance. When this key is pressed, the total amount of the transaction is calculated. Normally, a receipt is issued.
ONew/Old check key ZUse this key in a check tracking system to input check numbers in order to open new checks and to reopen existing checks. When the clerk inputs a check number, the register checks to see if that number already exists in the check tracking memory. If there is no matching number in the memory, a new check is opened under the input number. If the check number matches a number already stored in the memory, that check is reopened for further registration or finalization.
PUse these keys to register items to
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