Using a Memory Card (WK-500 Only)

5. Press the bs (10-key) [7] (ENTER) key.

Deleting Data from an SD Memory














Use the following procedure to delete data saved on an SD






* * * * * * * *




memory card.









1. On the Digital Keyboard, select the data you


• Pressing [9] (EXIT) will return to the screen that was


want to delete as described below.

displayed before you pressed [7] (ENTER).

6. Use the bs (10-key) [–] and [+] keys to select the

To delete this

Do this

type of data



data (file) you want to load.








Sampled sound

Select the tone number of the sampled





7. Press the bs (10-key) [7] (ENTER) key.





User rhythm

Select the rhythm number of the user


This will load the data into Digital Keyboard memory.



















User song

Select the song number of the user


C o m p

l e t e










Recorded song

Select the song and put the Digital






• If there is already data stored in the user area where


Keyboard in playback standby.





you are trying to load data, an overwrite confirmation

User scale

Press bq and then 4.


message will appear. Press the bs (10-key) [+] (YES)




key to overwrite, or [–] (NO) or [9] (EXIT) key to cancel.




Registration data

Select one of the Digital Keyboard’s









All data

default built in tones, songs.


R e p l

a c e ?








2. Insert a SD memory card into the Digital





Keyboard’s card slot.









3. Hold down dk until the button lights.





• To cancel data delete, press dk again.

4. Use the bs (10-key) [4] () and [6] () keys to display one of the settings shown below.

• You also could use [–] and [+].

To delete this type

Display this screen

of data




Sampled sound

“dEL” “SmplTone”



User rhythm

“dEL” “UserRhy.”



User song

“dEL” “UserSong”



Recorded song

“dEL” “Rec.Song”



User scale memory

“dEL” “ScaleMem”



Registration data

“dEL” “Regist.”



All data

“dEL” “All Data”



