i4000 - Quad |
User Manual | Version: 1.2 |
The hardware is shipped in an ESD protective container. Before unpacking the hardware, make sure that this takes place in an environment with controlled static electricity. The following recommendations should be followed:
•Make sure your body is discharged to the static voltage level on the floor, table and system chassis by wearing a conductive
•If a conductive
•Leave the board only on surfaces with controlled static characteristics, i.e. specially designed anti static table covers.
•If handling the board over to another person, touch this persons hand, wrist etc. to discharge any static potential.
IMPORTANT: Never put the hardware on top of the conductive plastic bag in which the hardware is shipped. The external surface of this bag is highly conductive and may cause rapid static discharge causing damage. (The internal surface of the bag is static dissipative.)
Inspect the hardware to verify that no mechanical damage appears to have occurred. Please report any discrepancies or damage to your distributor or to AcQuisition Technology immediately and do not install the hardware.
AcQuisition Technology bv |
P.O. Box 627, 5340 AP |
Oss, The Netherlands | Page 9 of 25 |