20 | KE YLES | SD EVI | CE | PR OGR | A | MMING |
| |||
| (O PTIO | NAL | AC | CESSORI | ES | ) |
| ||
| ||||||||
| |||||||
| Act ivate the opener only whe n thedoor | isin | |||||||
| fullview, fre of | obs truction a nd properly | |||||||
| a djusted. | N o | one | should | enter or | leave | |||
| ga rage whilstthe door | isin mot ion. Do | not | ||||||
| a llow c hildren to ope | ratepush button(s) or | |||||||
| transmitter(s). D o | not allow c hildrento | play | ||||||
| near thedoor. |
| ||
Wire less Key pad C840
Us ing the“LRN | ” B utton: |
| |
1 | . P ressand release the “LRN” button(1) on theopener, | ||
| the orange LE D willligh t. |
| |
2 | . Within 3 0 | seconds, entera fourdigitpersonal | |
| identification number (PIN ) of yourchoice on the | ||
| keypad(2) , then pressand h oldthe ENTER | button. | |
3 | . Re lease the | button wh en the openercourtesyLED s |
flash once(3) , thecode islearned.
Alternate progra mming me thod usingthemotion de tectingcont rol p ane l(optional accessory) :
NOTE: This me thod requires two people ifthe keyless entryis already mounted outside the ga rage.
1 | . E ntera fourdigitpersonalidentificationnumber(PIN) | |
| of yourch oice on the keypad, then pressand hold | |
| E NTER . |
2 | . While holding the ENTER | button, press and hold the |
| LIGHT butonon the motion detectingcontrolpanel. | |
3 | . Co ntinueh olding the ENTER | and LIGHT buttonsw hile |
youpressthe push baronthe motion detectingcontrol panel(allthree buttons areh eld).
4 . Re lease butonswh en the openercourtesyLEDs flash once.
Wi reless finge rprintaccess system C379
Fu llinstructionsareavailable w iththisaccessory.
On ce youh ave enrolled youruserintotheC 379 | you | ||||
can program theunitintoyouropener. |
| |||
Us ing the“LRN | ” B utton: |
| |
1. | P ressand release theLRN | button onthe | opener,the | ||
| orange LED | w illligh t. |
2. | W ithin 30 seconds, slide the coverofthe | C379 | upas | ||
| illustrated (A) . Sw ipeyourfinge ron thereaderhead | ||||
| ata steadyspeed (B) untiltheyellow led turnson(C). | ||||
3. | W hen th e courtesy LEDs | flash ithas learned the |
code. Ensureth ere arenoobstacles inthepathofthe door,then pressthe sendbutton (D) totesthedoor.
1 | professional |
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