User Guide NetXtreme II
January 2010
Broadcom Corporation
Document ENGSRVT52-CDUM100-R Executive Summary Page 25
a SLB with one primary and one standby member.
b Requires at least one Broadcom adapter in the team.
c TOE functionality can only be achieved with SLB teams that consist of all Broadcom TOE-enabled adapters.
Mixed speeds
(adapters that do not
support a common
speed(s), but can
operate at different
Yes Yes No No
Mixed speeds
(adapters that support
a common speed(s),
but can operate at
different speeds)
Yes Yes No (must be the same
Load balances TCP/
No Yes Yes Yes
Mixed vendor teaming YesbYesbYesbYesb
Load balances non-IP No Yes (IPX outbound
traffic only)
Yes Yes
Same MAC address
for all team members
No No Yes Yes
Same IP address for
all team members
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load balancing by IP
No Yes Yes Yes
Load balancing by
MAC address
No Yes (used for no-IP/
Yes Yes
Allows TOE
functionality to co-
exist when all team
members support
Yes Yes No No
Table 4: Comparison of Team Types (Cont.)Type of Team Fault Tolerance Load Balancing Switch-Dependent Static TrunkingSwitch-Independent Dynamic Link Aggregation(IEEE 802.3ad)Function SLB with StandbyaSLB Generic Trunking Link Aggregation