NetXtreme II User Guide
January 2010
Broadcom Corporation
Page 34 Teaming Mechanisms Document ENGSRVT52-CDUM100-R
ATTRIBUTES OF THE FEATURES ASSOCIATED WITH EACH TYPE OF TEAMThe attributes of the features associated with each type of team are summarized in Table5.
Table 5: Attributes
Feature Attribute
Smart Load Balancing™
User interface Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 (BACS)
Number of teams Maximum 8
Number of adapters per team Maximum 8
Hot replace Yes
Hot add Yes
Hot remove Yes
Link speed support Different speeds
Frame protocol IP
Incoming packet management BASP
Outgoing packet management BASP
LiveLink support Yes
Failover event Loss of link
Failover time <500 ms
Fallback time 1.5 sb (approximate)
MAC address Different
Multivendor teaming Yes
Generic Trunking
User interface Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 (BACS)
Number of teams Maximum 8
Number of adapters per team Maximum 8
Hot replace Yes
Hot add Yes
Hot remove Yes
Link speed support Different speedsa
Frame protocol All
Incoming packet management Switch
Outgoing packet management BASP
Failover event Loss of link only
Failover time <500 ms
Fallback time 1.5 sb (approximate)
MAC address Same for all adapters
Multivendor teaming Yes
Dynamic Trunking
User interface Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 3 (BACS)
Number of teams Maximum 8
Number of adapters per team Maximum 8