The following standards were applied:

EMC—EN 301.489-1 v1.8.1; EN 301.489-17 v2.1.1

Health & Safety—EN60950-1: 2005; EN 50385: 2002

Radio—EN 300 328 v 1.7.1; EN 301.893 v 1.5.1

The conformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10.4 and Annex III of Directive 1999/5/EC has been followed.

This device also conforms to the EMC requirements of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.

Note This equipment is intended to be used in all EU and EFTA countries. Outdoor use may be restricted to certain frequencies and/or may require a license for operation. For more details, contact Cisco Corporate Compliance.

The product carries the CE Mark:

Declaration of Conformity for RF Exposure

This section contains information on compliance with guidelines related to RF exposure.


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Cisco Systems AIR-CAP702I-x-K9 specifications Declaration of Conformity for RF Exposure