Quick Evaluation
Quick EvaluationBeforeInstallation
This section provides you with basic information about the inverter and how to check its performance before installation.
Be sure to have on hand:
A 12 volt DC power source (such as a vehicle battery).
Power Supply
The power sourcemust provide between11 and 15 volts DC and be able to supply enough current to run the test load. As a rough guide, divide the wattage of the test load by 10 to get the current(in amperes) the power sourcemust deliver.
A set of cables to connect the power source to the inverter (not included).
The cables must be as short and thick as possible in order to reduce the voltage drop between the power source and the inverter when drawing current from the power source.
If the cable suffers an excessive voltage drop, the inverter may shut down when drawing higher currents because the voltage at the inverter dropped below 10 volts.
#4 AWG stranded copper cable is recommended. It should be no longer than four feet (one and
The end of the cable that connects to the inverter must have its insulationstrippedoff for about
The other end of the cable, which connectsto the power source,must be terminatedwith a lug or other connector that providesa secure,low resistanceconnection.
For example, if the power source is a battery, the cable must be terminated with a battery terminal that clamps to the post on the battery.
Quick Evaluation
Test Load
On/Off Switch to Off
Connect Power Source
On/Off Switch to On
Connect Test Load
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