Page 28 Coby Electronic s Corporatio n Page 29
Overloading: Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or in-12.
tegral convenien ce receptac les as thi s can resul t in a ri sk of re or
electric shock.
Object and Liquid Entry: Never push objects of any kind into this 13.
product through openings as they may touc h dan gerous voltage
points or shout- out parts t hat could resu lt in a re o r electric sh ock.
Never spill liquid of any kin d on the product.
Servicing: Do not attempt to ser vice this product yo urself as opening 14.
or removing c overs may ex pose you t o dangerous voltage or other
hazards. Refer all ser vicing to qualie d service pers onnel.
Damage Requiring Se rvice: Unplug this product f rom the wall out let 15.
and refer servicing to quali ed service perso nnel under the following
conditions: a) when the p ower-supply or plug is damaged; b) if liquid
has been s pilled or if obje cts have fallen in to the product; c) if the
product has been exposed to rain or water; d) if the p roduct do es
not operate no rmally by fo llowing the operating instructions. Adjust
only those controls t hat are covered by the o perating instru ctions as
improper adjustment o f other controls m ay result in damage a nd will
often require ex tensive work by a qualied te chnician to r estore the
product to its normal operatio n; e) if the product has been dropped or
damaged in any way; f) when the p roduct exhibit s a distinct c hange
in performance —this indicate s a need for servic e.
Replacement Par ts: When re placement par ts are re quired, be s ure 16.
that your service technician has use d replace ment part s speci ed
by the manufacturer or have th e same characteri stics as the origi nal
part. Unauthoriz ed substitution s may result in re, electric sho ck, or
other hazards.
Safety Check: Upon completio n of any service or repairs to this prod-17.
uct, ask th e servic e technici an to pe rform sa fety chec ks to ens ure
that the product is in pro per operating co ndition.
Heat: The produc t should be s ituated away fr om heat sourc es such 18.
as radiators, heat regi sters, stoves, or oth er products (incl uding am-
pliers) that produce he at.
Safety Notices