Upgrading the Firmware
From time to time, COBY may release fiirmware updates to improve the per- formance of the
Do not interrupt the fiirmware upgrade process — doing so could damage your player and render it inoperable.
1.Download the latest fiirmware for your player from www.cobyusa.com. Save this fiile to the computer.
3.Follow the
4.Connect your player to the computer after the utility has been installed.
5.Run the firmware update utility from the Start menu (i.e., click “Start > Programs > SigmaTel > MTPMSCN Firmware Download > Download
Firmware”). The utility will commence searching for your player that is connected to the computer.
6.Click “Start” to begin the firmware update. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE
7.Disconnect your player from the computer when the update has com- pleted and restart your player.
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