Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Image is not | Position may need | Press the SELECT |
centered. | adjustment. | button to access the |
| |
| Select Auto |
| Adjustment. |
“Check Video | Monitor video cable is | Connect the |
Cable” is | disconnected. | monitor video cable to |
displayed on |
| the computer. Be |
screen. |
| sure that the |
| computer power is |
| on. |
“Input Signal Out | Video resolution | Restart your |
of Range” is | and/or refresh rate | computer and enter |
displayed on | are set higher than | Safe Mode. Change |
screen. | what your monitor | your settings to a |
| supports. | supported setting |
| (see “Technical |
| Specifications”). |
| Restart your |
| computer so that the |
| new settings take |
| effect. |
No sound from | Speaker audio plug |
speakers. | may be disconnected |
| from the back of the |
| computer. |
Make sure your audio input jack (green connector) is plugged into the back of your computer.
Reference Guide |