Hopper TemperatureController
Process Air Heater,30 to 270 kW.
For use with Conair Carousel Plus Series W Dryers and HADs.
Corporate Office:412.312.6000 lInstant Access 24/7 (Parts and Service):800.458.1960 l Parts and Service: 814.437.6861
INTRODUCTION• Purpose of the User Guide • How the guide is organized • Your responsibilities as a user• ATTENTION:
Read this so no one gets hurt • How to use the lockout device• DESCRIPTION • What is the HTC process air
heater? • Typical applications• How it works • Specifications: HTC Carousel Plus process air dryer • Specifications:
HTC models 600 - 5000 • Specifications:HTC for HAD • INSTALLATION• Unpacking the boxes • Preparing for instal-
lation • Installation of the HTC control models 30,60, and 90 • Installation of the HTC control model 120• Installation of
the HTC control models 180 and 270 • Location and mounting of the HTC hea ter assembly models 30, 60, and 90•
Location and mounting of the HTC heater assembly model 120• Location and mounting of the HTC hea ter assembly mod-
els 180 and 270 • Connecting the HTC heater assembly to the dryer or blower and hopper • Installing the isolation valves
• Connecting the power on models HTC 180 and 270 • Connecting the control wiring on models 180 and 270 •