To access the process screens,press the
“Scroll” and “+” buttons at the same time
and hold for two seconds . To get out of
the Process screens at any time, press the
Scroll and “-” buttons at the same time.
After two minutes, you will be returned to
the Default screen.
This is the process header screen. It indi-
cates that all items below it pertain to the
process temperature control.
This is the process high limit screen. It is
used to set the high limit for the process
temperature setpoint. The “+/-” buttons
can be used to change this value. If set at
250°F,the operator cannot set the process
setpoint above 250°F.
This is the process loop break band screen.
It is used to set the temperature band for
the loop break alarm. The “+/-” buttons
can be used to change the setpoint. If out-
side the deviation band,if the actual tem -
perature does not move toward the setpoint
by this value in the time value in screen 9,
a loop break alarm will occur.
Process Screens
Control Function Descriptions (continued)
cES250 Hi.L3Lbb4-8 l Operation