6. RAID Controller
SPI-8451-LLVA, SPI-8452-LLVA, SPI-8451-LVA 61
Rebuilding An Array
This command effectively copies or overwrites data from an existing data drive in the array on to a blank
drive. The operation will be typically used when a failed drive has been replaced with a new drive as
part of a mirrored array.
To perform a Rebuild, choose the Array Tab View.
Right click the array number and choose Rebuild from the context menu.
Once Rebuild is selected, you will be asked to “Initialize Rebuild process on Array #” by clicking
Using Rebuild wizard
Initiating rebuild array will open the Rebuild Wizard step 1 screen shown below.
Select the Target drive which will receive data. Make sure you select the blank new or replacement
drive. The unselected drive will contain “good” data. It will be the remaining working drive of an
array, or a system drive containing existing data that you wish to mirror.
Make absolutely sure and double check the drive which is target. If data exists on the target drive, it
will be over written.