


No Preference Operation

1.Set CONTROL MODE switch S5 to the TEST posi- tion. This will remove the control from service and allow operation without operating the high-voltage transfer switches.

2.Check the setting of the SOURCE PREFERENCE switch (S4). It should be in the center No Preference position.

3.Check LATCH RELAY STATUS TEST terminals (T-1, T-2) to ground (T-3). 120 Vac at T-1 indicates the con- trol is in the Source I mode. 120 Vac at T-2 indicates the control is in the Source II mode.

4.Remove source voltage by unscrewing one of the phase fuses from Source I if T-1 is energized or from Source II if T-2 is energized. If a Source I fuse is removed, the PREFERRED TO ALTERNATE TIMER will start. If a Source II fuse is removed, the ALTER- NATE TO PREFERRED TIMER will start.

5.When the timer runs out, the latch relay (R1) will transfer as indicated by a transfer of the 120 Vac sig- nal at the test terminals.

6.Replace the removed fuse to re-energize the power source. No timers will start and latch relay (R1) will not transfer.

7.Unscrew one of the phase fuses from the other source. If a Source II fuse is removed, the ALTER- NATE TO PREFERRED TIMER will start. If a Source II phase fuse is removed, the PREFERRED TO ALTERNATE TIMER will start.

8.When the timer runs out, the latch relay (R1) will transfer back to its original operating position, again indicated by a transfer of the 120 Vac signal at the test terminals.

9.Replace the removed fuse to re-energize the power source. No timers will start and latch relay (R1) will not transfer.

10.Place the CONTROL MODE switch (S5) to the normal position. If switch S5 is left in the TEST position, the S control will be inoperative on automatic operation.

Indicating Lamps

Although not essential to control operation, the indicating lamps provide useful operating information. All lamps are 120 Vac operated half-wave through diodes.

For a quick check of the lamp diodes, depress the LAMP TEST switch, S6. The two OPEN and two CLOSE lamps should glow with equal brilliance, the green appearing slightly less intense, and the SOURCE I ENERGIZED and SOURCE II ENERGIZED lamps should noticeably increase in brilliance (these lamps are energized from two phases, 120 degrees apart, instead of a single bus).

Note: The OPEN lamp circuit includes the impedance of the close coil or motor of the high-voltage switch actuator.

Verification of Fuses

Fuses can be checked on the front panel of the control. If the fuses are blown and require replacement, the white buttons on the front panel will show. Refer to item 15 in Figure 13 and Table 4.

Advanced Troubleshooting

IMPORTANT: The control should be removed from service prior to conducting the advanced troubleshooting procedures.

Use the output of the control procedure to determine if the problem lies in the control or the high-voltage switch- es. If the conditions of the output procedure are satisfac- tory, test the high-voltage switch. If the conditions of the output procedure are unsatisfactory, test the manual control functions. If the conditions of the manual control functions procedure are satisfactory, test the automatic control functions.