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Garanfia de dos aSos para la cortadora trituradora Craftsman

Durantedos ahosa partirde la fechade compra,siempreque a estacortadoratrituradorase le realiceel serviciodemantenimiento, lubricaci6ny puestaapuntode acuerdoalas instruccionesdel manualdelpropietario,SearsrepararAsin cargocualquierdefecto de materialeso manede obra.Siesta cortadoratrituradoraCraftsmanse utilizaparaprop6sitoscomercialeso dealquiler,esta garanfiase aplicas61odurante30 diasa partirde lafechadecompra.

Estagaranfiano cubre:

. Elementosdesechablesquese desgastanporel usonormal,incluyendoentreotros,buiias,cuchillasy filtrosdeaire.

. Reparacionesnecesariasdebidoa abusoonegligenciadeloperador,incluyendoabolladuradelcig(]ehaly fallaper norealizar mantenimientodel equipodeacuerdocon las instruccionescontenidasenel manualdelpropietario.



Estagarantiaes validaOnicamentemientraselppducto se ufilicedentrode los EstadosUnidos.



Estagarantialeotorgaderechoslegalesespecificos;ustedtambi6npuedetenerotrosderechos,los cualesvariande unestadoa otro.


Acuerdos de protecci6n sobre reparaciones

Felicitacionesperhaberrealizadounaadquisici6ninteligenteEl. productoCraftsman®quehaadquiridoestadise_adoy fabricado parabrindartouchesa_osdefuocionamientoconfiable.Perocome todoslosproductosavecespuederequerirde reparacionesEs. en esemementocuandoeldisponerde unAcuerdodeprotecci6npara reparacioneslepuedeahorrardinero



Servicioexpertoprestadopornuestros12.000especialistasen reparacionesprofesionales

,Servicioilimitadosincargoparalaspiezasy la manedeobraen todaslas reparacionescubiertas


Descuentode 10%delprecionormaldelservicioy delaspiezas relacionadasconelmismoquenoestencubiertaspore_ acuerdo;ademas10%dedescuentodelprecionormalde la verificaciondemantenimientopreventive

,Ayudar@idaportelefono- asistenciatelefonicaacargodeun tecrficodeSearsparalosproductosquerequierenreparaciOn adomicilio,ademasdeunaprogramacionconvenienteparala reparacion

Adquieraahoraunacuerdodeprotecci6nparareparacionesy proteiasedeproblemasy gastosinesperados. Unavezadquiridoelacuerdopuedeprogramarel serviciocon tans61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica.PuedeIlamarencualquier mementodeldiaode lanoche,o programarunservicioenlinea. Searsdisponedemasde 12.000especialistasenreparaciones profesionalesquetienenaccesoamasde4.5millonesdepiezasy accesoriosdegrancalidad.Estees eltipode profesionalismoenelquepuedeconfiarparaquele ayudea prolongarlavidaOtildelproductorecientementeadquiridoen losa_ospervenir,iAdquieraheysuacuerdodeprotecci6npara reparaciones!

SeapHeandeterminadasJimitacionesy exc_usionesParaobtener.

preeiose informaci6nadieiona_Hamea_1-800-827-6655, Serviciode instaJaci6nde Sears


dispositivosdeaperturadeportonesdegarage,calentadoresde aguay otrosarticulosdelhogarenlos EstadosUnidos,Ilameal 1-800-4-MY-HOME®

Caballos de fuerza

7.5 caballos

de fuerza

Aceite del motor:

SAE 30


Capacidad de aceite:

20 Onzas



Gasoiina sin





Briggs and Stra#on 150112-0408


Page 22
Image 22
Craftsman 247.776360 manual Acuerdos de protecci6n sobre reparaciones, Cubierta posterior

247.776360 specifications

The Craftsman 247.776360 is a versatile and powerful lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of homeowners with medium to large-sized lawns. This robust machine combines durability, ease of use, and advanced features, making it an ideal choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

One of the standout features of the 247.776360 is its 24 HP Briggs & Stratton Intek engine, which provides reliable power for tackling tough mowing jobs. The engine is designed to deliver consistent performance and efficiency, ensuring that users can complete their tasks without frequent interruptions. Additionally, its hydrostatic transmission allows for smooth acceleration and easy control, enabling the operator to adjust speed effortlessly without the need for manual gear shifting.

The lawn tractor comes equipped with a 42-inch cutting deck, which is engineered for quick and effective mowing. This size is particularly advantageous for users looking to cover large areas in less time. The deck is made from tough, durable steel, designed to withstand the wear and tear of regular use. It also features a deck washout port that facilitates easy cleaning, allowing users to maintain the mower in pristine condition.

Another significant characteristic of the Craftsman 247.776360 is its adjustable cutting height. With a simple lever adjustment, users can choose from six different cutting heights, enabling precise lawn care tailored to different grass types and conditions. This versatility ensures a clean and even cut, enhancing the overall appearance of the lawn.

Comfort is also a priority with this model. The tractor features a high-back seat, providing excellent support for longer mowing sessions. The ergonomic design includes easy-to-reach controls, ensuring that the operator can efficiently manage various functions without any discomfort.

In terms of safety, the Craftsman 247.776360 is equipped with features such as an automatic parking brake and an easy-to-access ignition switch. These safety mechanisms are crucial for reducing the risk of accidents during operation.

In summary, the Craftsman 247.776360 lawn tractor combines a powerful engine, user-friendly features, and robust construction to provide an exceptional mowing experience. Whether it’s maintaining a pristine lawn or tackling challenging terrain, this model stands out as a reliable and efficient choice for any homeowner looking to invest in outdoor equipment.