See Figure 7,
Followthese steps to remove or insert cutters. 1. Unplug the router.
_, WARNING: Failureto unplug the tool could result in serious injurydue to accidental starting.
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the spindle or spindle lock, always allow motor to come to a
complete stop before engaging the spindle lock.
2.Lay the router down on a workbench in order to gain easy access to collet nut.
3.Depress and hold the spindle lock button.
4.Loosen the collet nut by turning it counterclockwise with the wrench provided.
WARNING: If you are changing a cutter immediately after use, be careful not to touch the cutter or collet with your hands or fingers. Always use the wrench provided.
5.Choose one of these options:
•To remove the cutter: Remove the cutter from the collet.
•To insert the cutter:
a)Insert the shank of the cutter until the shank bottoms out, then pull it out 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) to allow for expansion when the bit gets hot.
b)Tighten the collet nut securely by turning it clockwise with the wrench provided.
c)Release the spindle lock button.
WARNING: If the collet nut is not securely tightened, the cutter may detach during use
causing serious personal injury.
•i, WARNING: Do not use cutters with undersized shanks. Undersized shanks will not tighten properly and could be thrown from the tool causing injury.
_1= WARNING: Do not use cutters that are larger in diameter than the opening in router base. Use of such cutterswill come in contact with the router
base and damage both the cutter and router base. This situation could also cause possibleloss of controlor create other hazardous conditionsthat
could cause possible serious personal injury.
Fig. 7
Proper depth of cut depends on several factors: the horsepower of the router motor, the type of cutter, and the type of wood. A lightweight, low horsepower router is designed for making shallow cuts. A router with a high horsepower rating can safely cut deeper. Small cutters, such as veining bits with 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) cutting diameters, are designed to remove only small amounts of wood. Large cutters, such as
Based on these considerations,choose a depth of cut that will not place excessive strain on the router motor. If you find that extra force is needed or that the motor speed stows down considerably,turn off the router and reduce the depth of cut. Then, make the cut in two or more passes.
When routing a groove that is too deep to safely cut in one pass, it is best to make the cut in several passes. We recommend that cuts be made at a depth not exceeding 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) and that several passes be made to reach deeper cuts.
Adjustingthe depth of cut for the plunge router is different from adjusting the depth of cut for the fixed router.