Afterstrikinga foreign object, stop the en- gine (motor), remove the wire from the spark plug, thoroughly inspect snow thrower for any damage, and repair the damage before restarting and operating the snow thrower.
6.if the unit should start to vibrate abnormal-
ly, stop the engine (motor) and check im- mediately for the cause. Vibration is generally a warning of trouble.
7.Stop the engine (motor) whenever you leave the operating position, before un- clogging the auger/impeller housing or d[s- charge chute and when making any repairs, adjustments, or inspections.
8.When cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain the auger/impeller and all moving parts have stopped and all controls are disengaged. Disconnect the spark plug wire and keep the wire away from the spark plug to prevent accidental starting.
9.Take all possible precautions when leaving the snow thrower unattended. Disengage the auger/ impeller and stop the engine (motor).
10.Do not run the engine (motor) indoors, ex- cept when starting the engine (motor) and for transporting the snow thrower in or out of the building. Open the outside doors; ex-
haust fumes are dangerous (containing CARBON MONOXIDE, an ODORLESS
11.Do not clear snow across the face of slopes, Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes. Do not at- tempt to clear steep slopes.
12.Never operate the snow thrower without proper guards, plates or other safety pro- tective devices in place.
13.Never operate the snow thrower near en- closures, automobiles, window wells, drop_ffs, and the like without proper ad- justment of the snow discharge angle. Keep children and pets away.
14.Do not overload the machine capacity by attempting to clear snow at too fast a rate.
15.Never operate the machine at high trans- port speeds on slippery surfaces. Look be- hind and use care when backing up.
16.Never direct discharge at bystanders or allow anyone in front of the unit.
17.Disengage power to the collector/impeller
when snow thrower is transposed or not in
18.Use only attachments and accessories ap- proved by the manufacturer of the snow thrower.
19.Never operate the snow thrower without good visibility or light. Always be sure of your footing and keep a firm hold on the handles. Walk;never run.
20.Do not
21.Do not attempt to use snow thrower on a roof.
1.Check bolts at frequent intervals for proper
tightness to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.
2.Never store the snow thrower with fuel in
the tank inside a building where ignition sources are present such as hot water and space heaters, clothes dryers, and the like. Allow the engine (motor) to cool before storing in any enclosure.
3.Always refer to operator's guide instruc-
tions for important details if the snow thrower is to be stored for an extended
4.Maintain or replace safety and instruction labels, as necessary.
5.Run the snow thrower a few minutes after throwing snow to prevent
,_ forWARNING:useon sidewalks,Thissnow drivewaysthrower is and other ground level surfaces.
Caution should be exercised while using on
GROUND LEVEL such as roofs of resi- dences, garages, porches or other such structures or buildings.
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