To Start The Engine
DisconnectatI ebctricai loads from the generator. NEVER start or stop engine with electricai devices piugged in and turned ON. Foilow start instruction steps in numerical order:
1. Make sure unit is on a ievei surface.
iMPORTANT:Failureto start and operate unit on a level surface wiii cause the unit not to start or shut down during operation.
2. Turn redfuei vaiveto "On" position.
3. Place choke lever in "Choke" position.
| Contactwith muffler areacan result in serious |
| burns. |
_ | Exhaust heat/gases can ignite combustibies, |
| structures or damage fue! tank causing a fire. |
oDONOTtouch hotpartsandAVOIDhot exhaustgases.
®Allowequipmentto coolbeforetouching.
oKeepat least5 feet(1.5m) of clearanceonall sidesof generatorincludingoverhead.
Codeof FederalRegulation(CFR)Title36 Parks,Forests,and PublicPropertyrequireequipmentpoweredby aninternal combustionengineto haveasparkanester,maintainedin effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
4.Set rocker switch to "Off'position.
5.Grasp recoil handleand pulI slowly until slight resistance is felt. Then pull rapidty to start engine.
Startercord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
nbodiiy injury. Kickbackwiii puli handand arm toward engine faster than you can bt go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains sould result.
•Whenstartingengine,pul!cordslowlyuntil resistanceisfelt and then pullrapidlyto avoidkickback.
oNEVERstart orstopenginewith ebctricaldevicespluggedin andturnedon.
t_IPORTANT:If enginefloods, place choke lever in "Rue" position and crank untii engine starts.
6.Move choke iever to "Rue" position a short distance at a time over severaiseconds in warm weather or
minutes in cold weather. Let engine run smoothly before each change. Operatewith choke in "Rue" position.
NOTE:if engine starts after 3 pulls but faiis to run, or if unit shuts down during operation, makesure unit is on a level surface and check for proper oii ieveI in crankcase. This unit may beequipped with a iow oii protection device. If so, oil must be at proper level for engineto start.
Connecting Electrical Loads
*Let the engine stabiiize and warm up for a few minutes after starting.
oDONOTconnect240Volt loadsto 120Voit receptacbs. * DO NOTconnect
oMug in and turn on the desired 120 Volt AC, singie phase,60 Hertz eiectricai ioads.
Exceedinggeneratorswattage/amperagecapacity can damagegenerator and/or ebctricaI devicesconnected to it.
DONOTexceedthe generator'swattage/amperagecapacity.See Don?OverloadGeneratorinthe Operationsection.
Startgeneratorandletenginestabilizebeforeconnecting electricalloads.
Connectebctricalloadsin OFFposition,thenturn ONfor operation.
TurnelectricalloadsOFFanddisconnectfromgeneratorbefore stoppinggenerator.
Stopping the Engine
1.Turn off and unpiug ati eiectricai ioads from unit. NEVERstart or stop enginewith ebctricat devices ptugged in andturned on.
2.Let engine run at nooioadfor two minutes to stabilize unit'sinternal temperatures.
3.Move rocker switch to "Off" position.
i wAR. .G
Backf re, fire or engine damagecould occur.
Io DONOTstopenginebymovingchokeleverto "Choke"position.
4. Move fuel valveto "Off" position.