This is a single cylinder, overhead valve(OH\/), air cooled engine, it is a iow emissions engine.
In the Stateof Caiifornia, Model 200000 engines are certified by the California Air Resources Boardto meet emissions standards for 250 hours. Such certification does not grant the purchaser, owner or operator of this engine any additiona] warranties with respectto the performance or operational iife of this engine. The engine is warranted solety
according to the product and emissions warranties stated elsewherein this manual.
Power Ratings
The gross power rating for individuai gas engine models is labeledin accordance with SAE(Society of Automotive Engineers)code J1940 (Small Engine Power & Torque
Rating Procedure),and rating performance has been obtained andcorrected in accordancewith SAEJ1995
(Revision 2002=05). Torque values are derived at 3060 RPM; horsepower values are derived at 3600 RPM. Actuai gross engine power wiii be lower and is affected by, among other things, ambient operating conditions and
Generator $pe¢ificatiens
Starting Wattage | 8600 Watts (8.6 kW) |
Wattage | 5600 Watts (5.6 kW) |
AC Voltage | 120/240 Volts |
AC Current |
at 240 Volts | 23.3 Amps |
at 120 Volts | 46.6 Amps |
Frequency | 60 Hzat 3600 rpm |
Phase | Single Phase |
FuelCapacity | 5 U.S. gailons |
Unit Weight | 170 Ibs. |
Sore | 3.12 in. (79mm) |
Stroke | 2.44 in. (62mm) |
Displacement | 18.64 in. (305 cc) |
SparkPlug |
ResistorType: | Briggs & Stratton 491055S |
Long Life Piatinum: | Briggs & Stratton 5066D |
Set GapTo: | O.030inch(0.76ram) |
Armature Air Gap: |
Valve clearancewith valvesprings installed and piston 1/4 in. (6 ram) past top dead center (check when engine is cold).
Intake | |
Exhaust | |
OiI Capacity | 28 Ounces(0.8 Liters) |
NOTE:For practical operation, the generator load should not exceed 85% of rated wattage. Enginegross horsepower wiii