Enginefailsto start | 1. | Bladecontroldisengaged. | 1. | Engagebladecontrol. |
| 2. | Sparkplugbootdisconnected. | 2. | Connectwireto sparkboot. |
| 3. | Fueltankemptyor stalefuel. | 3. | Filltankwithclean,freshgasoline. |
| 4. | Enginenot primed. | 4. | Primeengineas instructedinthe Operation |
| section. |
| 5. | Faultysparkplug. | 5. | Clean,adjustgap,or replace. |
| 6. | Blockedfuel line. | 6. | Cleanfuel line. |
| 7. | Engineflooded. | 7. | Waita fewminutesto restart,butdo not |
| prime. |
| 8. | Burntfuse.(ElectricStartonly) | 8. | Replacefuse(see ServiceSection). |
Enginerunserratically | 1. | Sparkplugbootloose. | 1. | Connectandtightensparkplugboot. |
| 2. | Blockedfuel lineor stalefuel. | 2. | Cleanfuel line; fill tankwithclean,fresh |
| gasoline. |
| 3. | Ventingas cap plugged. | 3. | Clearvent. |
| 4. | Waterordirt in fuel system. | 4. | Drainfueltank. Refillwithfreshfuel. |
| 5. | Dirtyair cleaner. | 5. | Referto Maintenancesectionin manual. |
Engineoverheats | 1. | Engineoillevellow | 1. | Fillenginewithproperamountand typeof oil. |
| 2. | Airflowrestricted | 2. | Cleandebrisfromaroundthe engine'scoolingfins |
| and blowerhousing. |
Enginehesitatesat highRPMs | 1. | Sparkpluggap settooclose | 1. | Adjustgapto .030". |
Engineidles poorly | 1. | Sparkplugfouled,faulty,or gaptoo wide. | 1. | Clean,replace,or resetgapto .030". |
| 2. | Dirtyair cleaner | 2. | Referto Maintenancesectionin manual. |
Excessivevibration | 1. | Cuttingbladelooseor unbalanced. | 1. | Tightenbladeandadapter.Balanceblade. |
| 2. | Bentcuttingblade. | 2. | Contactyour SearsServiceCenter. |
Mowerwill not mulchgrass | 1. | Wetgrass. | 1. | Do notmowwhengrassis wet;waituntil |
| laterto cut. |
| 2. | Excessivelyhighgrass. | 2. | Mowonce at a highcuttingheight,then mowagain |
| at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingpath. |
| 3. | Dullblade. | 3. | Sharpenor replaceblade. |
Unevencut | 1. | Wheelsnotpositionedcorrectly. | 1. | Placeall fourwheelsinsameheightposition. |
| . | Dullblade. | 2. | Sharpenor replaceblade. |
Mowerwill not selfpropel | 1. | Beltnot installedproperly. | 1. | Checkbeltfor properpulleyinstallationand |
| movement. |
| 2. | Debriscloggingdriveoperation. | 2. | Stopengine,disconnectsparkplugboot, |
| and cleanout debris. |
| 3. | Damagedorworn belt. | 3. | Contactyour SearsServiceCenter. |
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