| Cresnet Television Control Unit | |||
| Table 4. Troubleshooting Guide (Continued) | ||||
| READY LED is not illuminated. |
| Event is not scheduled for this classroom | Call media center to check | ||
| at the current time. | scheduling time. Verify correct date | ||
| and time (AM or PM). |
| |
| Scheduled event has not been prepared. | Call media center to determine if | ||
| event is prepared. |
| |
| Communication between scheduling | Check the message window on the | ||
| computer and CNTV has been disrupted. | scheduling computer to determine if | ||
| a network failure has occurred. |
| |
| Check that the scheduling software | ||
| (SchoolNet) is running. |
| |
| Check all connections between PC | ||
| and network. |
| |
| Verify that the ID for the CNTV is | ||
| properly set to match the SIMPL | ||
| program and scheduling computer. |
| |
| T and R LEDs are not illuminated. |
| CNTV is not communicating with its | Verify that power is supplied to the | ||
| associated control system. | CNTV and control system. |
| |
| Verify that the ID for the CNTV is | ||
| properly set to the network ID which | ||
| matches the SIMPL program. | ||
If after reviewing this Operations Guide for the CNTV, you cannot locate specific information or have questions, please take advantage of Crestron's award winning technical support team by calling:
In the US and Canada, call Crestron's corporate headquarters at
In Europe, call Crestron International at
In Asia, call Crestron Asia at
In Latin America, call Crestron Latin America at
For local support from exclusive Crestron
In Australia, call Soundcorp at
In New Zealand, call Amber Technologies at
R E M O T E C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S | 10 | DOC. 8105B |