CRESTRON CNTV | Cresnet Television Control Unit |
4.Select Settings and Text Transfers to open the Text Transfers dialog box.
5.Select "Line at a Time" Flow Control. The Text Transfers dialog box will appear, as shown below.
6.Click OK. The program alters the flow control to provide support for ASCII file transfers with a 0.1 second delay between lines.
MRMT11 Setup Menus
The MRMT11 SETUP menus can be accessed only after connecting the communication port of the PC (specified in the previous section) to the COM1 port of the CNTV with the diagnostic cable and applying power. Refer to the Preparation for Use section for details that describe CNTV power connections. Immediately after applying power to the CNTV, depress the letter "x" on the keyboard. The menu selections are not case sensitive. The MRMT11 Setup Menu appears on the screen as six lines of text.
MRMT11 Setup Menu
1- Net ID Tasks
2- Downloading Tasks
3- Configuration Information
4- Enter Test Menu
0 - Return to normal operation
The menu consists of five options. Selection is made by depressing the appropriate number for each menu option.
Net ID Tasks
Depressing "1" from the MRMT11Setup Menu opens the Net ID Setup Menu which appears on the screen as four lines of text.
R E M O T E C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S | 12 | DOC. 8105B |